Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Corn in Pots

Well, I completed my first year of growing corn in pots. I even chose a short season corn and what do I have to show... senescing corn. They looked pretty when they were green, but now they are not. Didn't even get one ear of corn. Oh sigh.

Next year I will grow sunflowers in the pots. I think they will be happier. The corn I discovered is high maintenance, needs fertilizer, and water. I know water!!! Just kidding, I did water the corn, but I did not fertilize.

In fact, I still have to bring in the garden!!! I was going to do it this week, but now I'm travelling to Stony Rapids. I know, you're all surprised to hear I am travelling for work. Trust me I was surprised too. I have not travelled since February. Should be a good trip. Just getting everything together. Thankfully I didn't make any plans so I didn't have to bump anyone. =)

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