Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Shocking Truth

I really love doing elecrical work. However, I still have a ways to go. I'm stumbling with a tricky 3-way switch, but I have a couple of friends who are anxious to mediate the situation before the confict escalates. I am very blessed. =)

On the bright side, this past weekend I wired the last room in the basement, the current pantry/future bathroom; my first GFI!! =) But as usual, altough I tried to be so careful with the breaker panel... I hit the test button on the bedroom plugs and didn't notice until getting ready for bed... flipping it back on was a tad tricky... my brute force gene just didn't kick in.

But no worries, that is minor compared to what I did next. I was careful to turn off the breakers and I know not to touch the back of the panel... I didn't turn the panel off... and what should happen??? Right I touched the back of the panel, but it took me a while to register the bite of the electrical current... actually it feels sort of cool. =) The picture is how I image I would look after shocking myself.

And now I am learning to drywall and I don't really like it. I like the end product of drywalling, but I don't like the fine dust that is hard to clean... I prefer sawdust. But I'm only drywalling the laundry room to start so I'll give it a fair chance. On Thursday I am hoping to start taping and mudding. I hear a very thin coat of mud will mean very little sanding. And in hindsight I watched the drywaller patch up my garage and I think I can do it, it wasn't really very much dust. But that might be a result of the small size of the patch... hmm...

So you can guess my holiday plan =) I'll be starting every day for the first week with the laundry room. But of course, I have a socializing to do. I have plans to make bulk meals for the freezer, baking, a couple of parties, cross-country skiing... so I think I'll be pretty busy. =) I'm spending the Christmas week with my family and then a week of nothing at all if I can help it. =) I know, I know, you're placing bets. I will probably work on small projects, but I think the laundry room may be enough of a big project for one holiday.

Oh and by the way, I am single again. I am maturing in my dating though, and am looking forward to my next chase =) Oh wait... by chase I mean mutually interested relationship.

See you soon - and no I haven't writen my Christmas letter... umm... so it may be a New Year's letter. =)


Fawn said...

Well, I'm sorry to hear that you're single again - the last one sounded great!

Please don't shock yourself again. I never want to read about you doing that! :P

I have my letter written (well, almost done) but it's nowhere near
the addressing or mailing stage. *sigh* Mine's definitely an "annual" letter at this stage! Considering I've only missed one year since I started doing the letters 14 years ago, I'm not doing too badly.

Anonymous said...

Breaker panels...yes, they always scare me too. I've had that cool buzzing, tingling sensation before. It's not so scary when it's just a light socket or a plugin, but when it's a whole freakin breaker box, I get the heeby jeebies.

Best of luck in your next "chase."

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Nicole! Good for you in writing a christmas letter. I meant to, but the whole concept just stayed at intention without ever coming close to action. I'm In a christmas letter though...does that count in my allotted 15 minutes of fame? lol

Merry Christmas and best of work on all your projects!